Thursday, February 20, 2014

Data Analysis for Genomics MOOC

Last month I told you about Coursera's specializations in data science, systems biology, and computing. Today I was reading Jeff Leek's blog post defending p-values and found a link to HarvardX's Data Analysis for Genomics course, taught by Rafael Irizarry and Mike Love. Here's the course description:

Data Analysis for Genomics will teach students how to harness the wealth of genomics data arising from new technologies, such as microarrays and next generation sequencing, in order to answer biological questions, both for basic cell biology and clinical applications.

The purpose of this course is to enable students to analyze and interpret data generated by modern genomics technology, specifically microarray data and next generation sequencing data. We will focus on applications common in public health and biomedical research: measuring gene expression differences between populations, associated genomic variants to disease, measuring epigenetic marks such as DNA methylation, and transcription factor binding sites.

The course covers the necessary statistical concepts needed to properly design experiments and analyze the high dimensional data produced by these technologies. These include estimation, hypothesis testing, multiple comparison corrections, modeling, linear models, principal component analysis, clustering, nonparametric and Bayesian techniques. Along the way, students will learn to analyze data using the R programming language and several packages from the Bioconductor project.

Currently, biomedical research groups around the world are producing more data than they can handle. The training and skills acquired by taking this course will be of significant practical use for these groups. The learning that will take place in this course will allow for greater success in making biological discoveries and improving individual and population health.

If you've ever wanted to get started with data analysis in genomics and you'd learn R along the way, this looks like a great place to start. The course is set to start April 7, 2014.

HarvardX: Data Analysis for Genomics

1 comment:

  1. A couple other great MOOC classes for those that are more beginner in R or programming are: Intro to Comp Sci and Programming using Python (MITx6.00): (I took this course, it's only programming, no science, it's fast paced heavy workload if you've never programmed before but worth the time). Another: The Data Science specialization via Coursera which contains all the basic classes including intro to R with good strong stats grounding ( You can take the specific courses (free or you can pay for the certificate) or go through the whole specialization (for free or pay for certificate). I'm working through the specialization as I have time. Also from coursera, for those that are more biologist (like me) than anything but 'need' to 'be' more computational (again, like me): Fundamentals of Computing, includes python introduction, principles of computing and thinking algorithmically...more of a Comp Sci bent but good basic computational foundation for biologists that need to understand their programmers. I'm a full time researcher so MOOCs let me keep up/augment my skill set at my own pace. Cheers!


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