Saturday, October 8, 2011

Find me at ICHG!

This week, I'm off to Montreal for the International Congress on Human Genetics and I hope to see you there!

If you are attending and are already a part of the Twitterverse, bring a tablet or phone and tweet away about the meeting using the official hashtag, #ICHG2011. If you are new to twitter, go sign up! Using nearly any twitter application, you can search for tweets that contain the #ICHG2011 hashtag and follow the thoughts of your fellow conference goers.

Using Twitter at an academic conference is a fascinating experience! Not only can you get fantastic information about what is being presented at the multitude of sessions, you get lots of opinion on what is going on in the field, and sometimes practically useful tips, like the location of the nearest Starbucks.

If you see me wandering aimlessly around the conference center, please come say hello! Its always great to make new academic friends.

See you there!


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