Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Results from Reference Management Poll

A while back I asked you what reference management software you used, and how well you liked it. I received 180 responses, and here's what you said.

Out of the choices on the poll, most of you used Mendeley (30%), followed by EndNote (23%) and Zotero (15%). Out of those of you who picked "other," it was mostly Papers or Qiqqa. There were even a few brave souls managing references caveman-style, manually.
As for how much you are satisfied with the software you used, there wasn't much variation. If anything, users of EndNote or RefMan ranked their satisfaction slightly lower on average, but my n here is starting to get a little low.

I've been using Mendeley for a few weeks now and like it so far as a replacement for RefMan. The MS Word integration works well, it can use all the EndNote formatting styles, and the online/social features are nice, even though I don't use them very often. Thanks for filling out the poll!

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