Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Webinar on Revolution R Enterprise

R evangelist David Smith, marketing VP at Revolution R, will be giving a webinar showing off some of the finer features of Revolution R Enterprise - an integrated development environment (IDE) for R that has an enhanced script editor with syntax highlighting, function completion, suntax checking, mouseover help, R code snippets for common tasks, an object browser, a real debugger, and more. Revolution R Enterprise is free for academics. The webinar is tomorrow (Wednesday December 8) at 9am Pacific time (11 CST), and you can register here.

I've been happy using NppToR - a utility that adds syntax highlighting, code folding, and a hotkey to send lines of R code from Notepad++ (hands down the best text editor for Windows) to the R console. You can read more about NppToR on page 62 of the June issue of the R journal. But it looks like the Revolution R Enterprise IDE has much more to offer. Here's an example of the debugger with breakpoints set.

Webinar - Revolution R Enterprise - 100% R and More

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