Thursday, May 13, 2010

Using R, LaTeX, and Sweave for Reproducible Research: Handouts, Templates, & Other Resources

Several readers emailed me or left a comment on my previous announcement of Frank Harrell's workshop on using Sweave for reproducible research asking if we could record the seminar. Unfortunately we couldn't record audio or video, but take a look at the Sweave/Latex page on the Biostatistics Dept Wiki. Here you can find Frank's slideshow from today and the handout from today (a PDF statistical report with all the LaTeX/R code necessary to produce it). While this was more of an advanced Sweave/LaTeX workshop, you can also find an introduction to LaTeX and an introduction to reproducible research using R, LaTeX, and Sweave, both by Theresa Scott.

In addition to lots of other helpful tips, you'll also find the following resources to help you learn to use both Sweave and LaTeX:


  1. Thanks for following up. I learned a few things from reading through the slides.

  2. Great post! I was waiting so much for Frank Harrell's lecture handouts. Hope I'll se rreport package soon on CRAN...

  3. This seminar was incredible, I wonder why you don't have podcast or stuff ? It will be very useful.

  4. Excellent information I had never seen something like this before it's a perfect information, all things I got in here are perfect in order to apply it in other moment.


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