Monday, March 8, 2010

Nature Methods: Visualization

Check out this month's table of contents in  Nature Methods. It contains a series of five commissioned Reviews discuss the challenges of visualizing biological data and the visualization tools available to biologists working with genomes, alignments and phylogenies, macromolecular structures, images and systems biology data.



Supplement on visualizing biological data pS1

Daniel Evanko


Visualizing biological data—now and in the future ppS2 - S4

Seán I O'Donoghue, Anne-Claude Gavin, Nils Gehlenborg, David S Goodsell, Jean-Karim Hériché, Cydney B Nielsen, Chris North, Arthur J Olson, James B Procter, David W Shattuck, Thomas Walter & Bang Wong
Methods and tools for visualizing biological data have improved considerably over the last decades, but they are still inadequate for some high-throughput data sets. For most users, a key challenge is to benefit from the deluge of data without being overwhelmed by it. This challenge is still largely unfulfilled and will require the development of truly integrated and highly useable tools.


Visualizing genomes: techniques and challenges ppS5 - S15

Cydney B Nielsen, Michael Cantor, Inna Dubchak, David Gordon & Ting Wang


Visualization of multiple alignments, phylogenies and gene family evolution ppS16 - S25

James B Procter, Julie Thompson, Ivica Letunic, Chris Creevey, Fabrice Jossinet & Geoffrey J Barton

Visualization of image data from cells to organisms ppS26 - S41

Thomas Walter, David W Shattuck, Richard Baldock, Mark E Bastin, Anne E Carpenter, Suzanne Duce, Jan Ellenberg, Adam Fraser, Nicholas Hamilton, Steve Pieper, Mark A Ragan, Jurgen E Schneider, Pavel Tomancak & Jean-Karim Hériché

Visualization of macromolecular structures ppS42 - S55

Seán I O'Donoghue, David S Goodsell, Achilleas S Frangakis, Fabrice Jossinet, Roman A Laskowski, Michael Nilges, Helen R Saibil, Andrea Schafferhans, Rebecca C Wade, Eric Westhof & Arthur J Olson

Visualization of omics data for systems biology ppS56 - S68

Nils Gehlenborg, Seán I O'Donoghue, Nitin S Baliga, Alexander Goesmann, Matthew A Hibbs, Hiroaki Kitano, Oliver Kohlbacher, Heiko Neuweger, Reinhard Schneider, Dan Tenenbaum & Anne-Claude Gavin

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