Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Genotyping Portal: A comprehensive (and freely available) online resource about methods for DNA genotyping, screening and sequencing

Diego Forero has compiled a comprehensive list of primary publications on commonly used SNP genotyping and DNA sequencing technologies (including SNP arrays, Sequenom, TaqMan, Pyrosequencing, Molecular Beacons, FP-TDI, Invader, xMAP, SNaPshot, SNPlex, Sanger, 454, Illumina, Helicos, SOLiD, Complete Genomics, Bisulfite sequencing, and others).  Also included here are links to review articles, protocols, and links to manufacturers of reagents and equipment.  Where available, links are included to open access versions of the papers on PubMed Central.

This is an excellent resource for anyone who is generally interested in how these technologies work.  For 2nd year grad students at Vanderbilt, you will be asked about some of these technologies on your qualifying exam!

Genotyping Portal: A comprehensive (and freely available) online resource about methods for DNA genotyping, screening and sequencing

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