Wednesday, September 2, 2009

PCG Journal Club Articles, 8/28

Here are citations for the articles discussed at our most recent meeting (August 28). I have also appended a link to Nature Reviews: Genetics new series, Fundamental concepts in genetics, at the end. Our next meeting is scheduled for September 11.


Gurwitz D, Fortier I, Lunshof JE, Knoppers BM. Research ethics: Children and population biobanks. Science. 2009 Aug 14; 325(5942):818-9

Hastings PJ, Lupski JR, Rosenberg SM, Ira G. Mechanisms of change in gene copy number. Nat Rev Genet. 2009 Aug; 10(8):551-64.

Holsinger KE, Weir BS. Genetics in geographically structured populations: defining, estimating and interpreting F(ST). Nat Rev Genet. 2009 Sep; 10(9):639-50.

Koga Y, Pelizzola M, Cheng E, Krauthammer M, Sznol M, Ariyan S, Narayan D, Molinaro AM, Halaban R, Weissman SM. Genome-wide screen of promoter methylation identifies novel markers in melanoma. Genome Res. 2009 Aug; 19(8):1462-70.

Monier A, Pagarete A, de Vargas C, Allen MJ, Read B, Claverie JM, Ogata H. Horizontal gene transfer of an entire metabolic pathway between a eukaryotic alga and its DNA virus. Genome Res. 2009 Aug; 19(8):1441-9.

Raveh-Sadka T, Levo M, Segal E. Incorporating nucleosomes into thermodynamic models of transcription regulation. Genome Res. 2009 Aug; 19(8):1480-96.

Rosenberg NA, Vanliere JM. Replication of genetic associations as pseudoreplication due to shared genealogy. Genet Epidemiol. 2009 Sep; 33(6):479-87.

Schmitz D, Netzer C, Henn W. An offer you can't refuse? Ethical implications of non-invasive prenatal diagnosis. Nat Rev Genet. 2009 Aug; 10(8):515.

Fundamental concepts in genetics:

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