Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Using Database Joins to Compare Results Sets

One of the most powerful tools you can learn to use in genomics research is a relational database system, such as MySQL.  These systems are fairly easy to setup and use, and provide users the ability to organize and manipulate data and statistical results with simple commands.  As a graduate student (during the height of GWAS), this single skill quickly turned me into an “expert”.  By storing the SNP lists for common GWAS platforms and some simple annotations from the UCSC and ENSEMBL databases, I could quickly provide lists of SNPs within a gene or collection of genes, or pull a list of SNPs that overlap two genotyping platforms.  We even developed database modules that allowed us to easily define LD blocks within a database query (called LD-Spline).

Once you learn the basics of defining tables and loading data, you can start to join tables together, matching them on a common field.  This is where the true power of a database system lies.  Suppose you have two sets of results from a PLINK analysis, one from a discovery dataset and another from a replication.  Rather than clumsily matching two sets of results within a spreadsheet application, a few simple queries within MySQL will tell you which SNPs are in common between the two sets, which were not found in the replication set, which SNPs were significant in the first set but not the second, etc.  

The concept that makes these operations work is the idea of a primary key.  A primary key is some field of a dataset that uniquely identifies each row of the table/dataset.  In the above example of PLINK results, a good primary key might be the RS number of the SNP.  You can also uniquely identify rows based on two columns, a concept known as a composite key – for example, the chromosome AND position of a SNP.  Establishing a primary key allows MySQL to keep data stored in a sorted order and allows the matching operations for table joins to be performed much faster. 

Having this sorted order from a primary key prevents MySQL from having to scan an entire table to find a specific value.  Much like the index of a book, a primary key lets MySQL find a value within a table very quickly.  If a table is small, having a primary key is not as critical; the computer can quickly scan the entire contents of the table for any query.  If the table is large, however, a full scan of the entire table could be a costly operation, and the number of table scans required increases when doing a join.  For example, if we join tables for our discovery and replication results sets, the database system will take the RS number for each entry from the discovery table and attempt to find a matching RS number in the replication table.  If the replication table has the RS number as a primary key, the database system can very quickly find this entry. There is a fantastic post on the various types of database joins here.

Let's start by creating our database tables.  A typical PLINK association output contains 12 columns (CHR, SNP, BP, A1, TEST, NMISS, OR, SE, L95, U95, STAT, P).  In these tables, we've established the SNP column as the primary key.  Recall that the primary key must uniquely identify each row of the table, so if there are multiple rows per SNP -- sometimes PLINK will report multiple TEST rows per SNP.  If this is the case, we may need to either establish a composite key using PRIMARY KEY (`snp`,`test`), or simply eliminate these rows from the data file using an AWK command.

CREATE TABLE `discovery` (
 `chr` varchar(1),
        `snp` varchar(32),
        `bp` int, 
        `a1` varchar(1),
        `test` varchar(3),
        `nmiss` int,
        `or` float,
        `se` float,
        `l95` float,
        `u95` float,
        `stat` float,
 `p` float,
 PRIMARY KEY (`snp`)

CREATE TABLE `replication` (
       `chr` varchar(1),
       `snp` varchar(32),
       `bp` int,
       `a1` varchar(1),
       `test` varchar(3),
       `nmiss` int,
       `or` float,
       `se` float,
       `l95` float,
       `u95` float,
       `stat` float,
       `p` float,
       PRIMARY KEY (`snp`)

Before loading our data into these tables, a little pre-processing is helpful.  To ensure that results are easy to read on the screen, PLINK developers used leading spaces in the column format for many PLINK outputs.  These make loading the results into a database difficult.  We can resolve this by running a simple SED command:
sed -r -e 's/\s+/\t/' -e 's/^\t//g' input-file.assoc.logistic > discovery.load
This will convert all spaces to tabs and will eliminate the leading spaces and write the results to a new file, discovery.load.  Now lets load this file into our table, and repeat the procedure for our replication file.

LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '{PathToFile}/discovery.load' INTO TABLE 
Now we should have two MySQL database tables with the discovery and results sets loaded into them.  We can view their contents with a simple select statement.  Then, finally, we can join these two tables to easily compare the results from the discovery and replication analyses.

SELECT * FROM discovery INNER JOIN replication ON 
discovery.snp = replication.snp;
The syntax is simple: select a set of fields -- in this case all of them (represented by the *) -- from the first table (discovery), matching each row from this table to a row in the second table (replication) where the discovery SNP equals the replication SNP.  MySQL also supports a table alias which can make these queries a bit easier to write.  An alias is simply a label specified after a table name which can be used in the rest of the query in place of the full table name.  For example, in the query below, we use a for the discovery table and b for the replication table.

SELECT * FROM discovery a INNER JOIN replication b ON 
a.snp = b.snp;
With practice and additional data, join operations can be used to annotate results by gene or region, and to match these to results from other studies, such as the NHGRI GWAS catalog.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A Mitochondrial Manhattan Plot

Manhattan plots have become the standard way to visualize results for genetic association studies, allowing the viewer to instantly see significant results in the rough context of their genomic position.  Manhattan plots are typically shown on a linear X-axis (although the circos package can be used for radial plots), and this is consistent with the linear representation of the genome in online genome browsers.  Many genetic studies often overlook the other genome within all our cells, the mitochondrial genome. This circular molecule has been shown to be associated (albeit inconsistently) with many disease traits, and functional variants from this genome are now included in most genotyping platforms.

Thanks to the clever work of several graduate students in the Vanderbilt Center for Human Genetics Research (most notably Ben Grady), mitochondrial genetic associations can be visualized in the context of key regions of the mitochondrial genome using a radial plot in the R package ggplot2.

To make this plot, download the code and run the script (alternatively open the script in R and run interactively):

On the command line:

git clone
cd solarplot
R CMD BATCH solarplot.R

GitHub: Mitochondrial solar plot code and data

Monday, November 4, 2013

Archival and analysis of #GI2013 Tweets

I archived and analyzed all Tweets containing #GI2013 from the recent Cold Spring Harbor Genome Informatics meeting, using my previously described code.

Friday was the most Tweeted day. Perhaps this was due to Lior Pachter's excellent keynote, "Stories from the Supplement."

There was clearly a bimodal distribution in the Tweets by hour, corresponding to the morning and evening sessions:

Top hashtags used other than #GI2013:

Most prolific users:

And of course, the much-maligned word cloud:

Archive of all #GI2013 Tweets

R code for analysis